
Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanksgiving Planning

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to enjoy great food, the company of family, cocktails and football. Once Corey and I went away to law school in North Carolina, it made it hard to get back to the Midwest for Turkey Day with finals right around the corner. We started a tradition of having a delicious Thanksgiving dinner among friends who weren't able to travel home.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner takes lots of planning and preparation. If you can set your menu in advance, you might be able to split some of the dishes with guests. Just make sure your guests are comfortable preparing the dish you've asked them to make. You should probably start considering your menu a week or two in advance. Remember, the turkey will take up a lot of your oven space, so you may need to have some dishes precooked. (Desserts, etc.) It is important to figure out how many guests you will have so you can order the right sized turkey. You always want extra for left overs. If you don't have a roasting pan, now is the perfect time to buy one because the stores slash the prices.

This year my mom and my sister are coming out to stay with us for Thanksgiving. This will be lots of fun making the turkey, stuffing, etc. Mom's so used to doing the whole meal at home that it is nice to let her take a seat and let me do the cooking.  Happy Planning!


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