
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hello Cupcake Helping Military Families

By:  Samantha Grieder
Capital Cooking Contributor

This 4th of July, most will be spending their weekends at a family BBQ or witnessing fireworks with friends. Hello Cupcake is doing something a little bit different. The District-based cupcake shop, which recently opened its second location along Barracks Row, is selling patriotic cupcakes for a cause.

Owner Penny Karas has paired up with non-profit Military Families United, and proceeds from sales, up to $500 plus donations, will go toward Camp Desert Kids, a program that helps military children understand the deployments of their parents.

On Thursday, June 30th, the Barracks Row store closed down for a couple hours. Invited area military members and their families came to eat and decorate cupcakes. Neighbors of the shop, Matchbox Restaurant and Zest Bistro, donated pizza, sliders, wraps and crabcakes for everyone to enjoy.

The event held a steady stream of families coming and going, some coming from further out of D.C. borders, to attend. While many of the young children were found eating the frosting and leaving the cake behind, there were smiles all around.

Guests were able to choose a vanilla or chocolate cake and top it off with vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or mint frosting, and the sprinkles of their choice.

"We wanted to reach out to the families in the area," said Penny Karas. It's a way for Hello Cupcake to get to know their neighbors and use July 4th to give back to a special and important cause.

To contribute to the cause, stop in at either Hello Cupcake location by July 4th and purchase a patriotic cupcake, or simply ask to donate. There are donation jars at the counters of both shops.

Hello Cupcake Dupont Circle:
1361 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Hello Cupcake Capitol Hill (Barracks Row):
705 8th Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

photos by Samantha Grieder

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