Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hot Dog Season: Bæjarins beztu pylsur

Photo from Engineer Blake
The weather is starting to warm up and it is almost time for the opening day of National's baseball.  There is nothing better than sitting outside and eating a hot dog.  Iceland probably has the best hot dogs in the world and lucky for us, starting in May, Iceland Air will offer nonstop flights from DC to Iceland. Reykjavik has some amazing nightlife that goes until 6 a.m., so at about 1 a.m., when your starting your evening, it is best to stop by Bæjarins beztu pylsur for and early evening snack.   

Bæjarins beztu pylsur translates to "The Best Hot Dogs in Town."  But for me, I'd change the name to Best Hot Dogs in the World.  The hot dog is made with lamb meat and has the perfect snap.  The sauce combination is awesome.  You've got to order it with the works:  yellow sweet mustard, fried onion, raw onion, and remolaði, a mayonnaise-based sauce with sweet relish.  So get your start planning your trip now and fly to Iceland in May and check out the hot dogs.  I've got some funny footage including some shots of the hot dog stand.