What do you do when you're not blogging?
With what little time I have left from blogging obligations, it's important that I make time to take care of myself, so I make a show of working out, laugh at bad movies, relax at the spa, and most of all, do absolutely nothing! It's wonderful.
Favorite ingredient?
Those who know me would think "bacon," but you can't put bacon on everything. That's why I say "butter."
How would you describe DC Cuisine?
Full of exciting potential. Growing up in a culturally diverse city myself, I've loved watching DC morph from a stuffy, power-spot dominated scene that served mostly Continental fare to a more culturally-diverse, more accessible communal table for everyone. Washington is home to people from 193 different countries, and I love that the food is starting to reflect that.
What is your favorite blog post and why?
I think this post sums up what my blog is all about. My hope is that through food, we can learn about one another's cultures and differences, and realize that we don't have to be afraid of what we don't understand.
How long have you lived in DC and how did you end up here?
I wanted to see the world as soon as I was old enough, so in 1994, I left New York City and moved to the only other place I knew---DC!
Who are your culinary inspirations?
Ruth Reichl for her grace and talent for conveying words into images you can taste.
Paula Deen for her charm and liberal use of cream and butter.
My mother for teaching me a valuable skill. Even though I hardly cook these days, I can make a kick-ass chop suey. Just kidding. Chinese people don't actually eat that crap.
What is your favorite local restaurant and why?
I love so many that it's hard to choose! I guess the restaurant I frequent the most and from which I often suffer heroin-like withdrawal is Dukem. I love the variety, the color, the flavors and textures. I'm sweating right now just thinking about it.
What is your favorite Food Show?
I canceled my cable because all the screaming and intense drama was upsetting to my delicate nature. The one show I do miss is Bizarre Foods. I love seeing what people around the world really put on their dinner tables. Plus, Andrew Zimmern is just delightful.
Do you have a favorite cookbook?
The perfectionist in me used to refer to "The Martha Stewart Cookbook: Collected Recipes for Every Day," but who's got time to cut out paper turkey leg frills these days?! I love "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman. It's a great, simple, comprehensive reference.
What are your most exciting challenges right now?
My main focus is constantly improving the blog and my writing skills. It is time-consuming and it makes my hair hurt, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Any recipes to share?
Just one. Butter. Put it on everything.
Someone wise once said to me, "Try it. If you don't like it, you can always spit it out." Now, while I don't approve of openly regurgitating food, I say try everything you see! I ate trippa in Rome while my friend turned a ghostly shade of white before me. She never did touch it, but I enjoyed it thoroughly.