Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Filming...Always fun!

Last weekend we filmed Lunch with a Lobbyist and Reduce and Concord. Here's our group preparing for the episodes. It was a team effort with Nick Szpara, Bim Mamber, Corey Then, Shauna Alexander, Bryn Barber, Mike Thorpe, Kim Auron, Sheri Green, Tammy Hargrove, Anita Estell, and Lamar Brown.
Me with Lobbyist, Anita Estell

Our fabulous make-up artist, Tammy Hargrove

Fun times on the set of Capital Cooking

Nick and Shauna getting some shots

The Aftermath...clean up. No fun!

We had a great time filming and look forward to doing it again in January. As always a special thanks to our crew and sponsors. Thanks Carafe Winery, Domenico Wines, California Beverage, Vintage Beverage, Soiree Wine Decanter, Chroma USA, Le Creuset, Cuisinart, Cutco, and Ame Cosmetics!