April 17, 2010
The first annual National Food Bloggers Bake Sale, part of the Great American Bake Sale, will be held on Saturday, April 17. Organized by Gaby Dalkin of WhatsGabyCooking.com, food bloggers from across the country will unite to support the cause by holding bake sales in their states. Readers will have the opportunity to taste the baked goods from their favorite food blogs at each state’s bake sale location. (You can visit Gaby's blog to see other participants from around the country.)
Funds raised through Great American Bake Sale support Share Our Strength’s efforts to end childhood hunger in America. Nearly 17 million— almost one in four—children in America face hunger. Despite the good efforts of governments, private-sector institutions and everyday Americans, millions of our children still don’t have daily access to the nutritious meals they need to live active, healthy lives. More information on SOS can be found at http://strength.org/
DC Bake Sale:
Location t.b.a., and the time is tentatively 10am - 1pm.
What We Need:
- Baked goods!
- A couple people to help man the booth the day of the bake sale.
- Other fundraising ideas to supplement the food sales. I'm thinking of including a raffle -- will be looking for gift certificates or prizes from local businesses.
- Help spreading the word! Attached is a badge you can post on your blog. The twitter hashtag is #FB_bakesale if you want to help build buzz or just connect with other bake sale participants around the country.
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Thanks for spreading the word, Lauren! We now have a location -- we'll be at the farmers market at Eastern Market. 9am-noon on Saturday, April 17. Hope your readers will stop by!
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