With only 2 days before filming the Capital Cooking Food Bloggers Challenge, it is time to meet Stefanie.
Remember after the show airs, you will have a chance to vote on:
q Originality
Camera Ready
q Plating/Presentation
Stefanie Gans is the co-editor of Endless Simmer, a blog covering all things food: from recipes to restaurant reviews to pop culture. While not cooking or eating, Stefanie Gans works for a national foundation advocating for working women. Stefanie's writing has appeared in Express, the Onion’s AV Club, and BusinessWoman Magazine.
How would you describe DC Cuisine?
When my sister was visiting me a few weeks ago, I let her in on a little secret – Thai iced coffee. But I didn’t even know it was a secret. That’s the thing. I’ve been living here so long that I forget that lots of other places (she goes to college in the mountains of Pennsylvania) do not have the breadth and quality of choices. Ethiopian, El Salvedorian; French bistro, British pub. I think you get the idea.
How did you get into food blogging?
When I first started working, I was lucky to have awesome coworkers (one of whom is now my boyfriend) that were adventurous cooks (my boyfriend not one of them.) We were all pretty new at finding our way around the kitchen and we’d gather everyday and talk about our cooking -- successful or not -- and try each other’s leftovers. When we started new jobs, we created the blog as a way to stay connected, culinarily speaking, and to find a bigger audience to share our creations and thoughts on the food scene.
What is your favorite Food Network show?
I’m so over Food Network. I’ve moved on to cooking shows on PBS and Discovery Health. Although, I can’t lie. Alton Brown and Ina Garten are pretty badass in HD. My favorite TV chef, however, is Jacques Pepin and I’m very excited for his new show More Fast Food My Way. He is so funny, so talented and so entertaining to watch. And I love that French accent.
If we weren't making chicken potpie, what is your favorite comfort food recipe?
I usually need comfort the most when I’m hung over. So take me to a diner – fried egg and swiss cheese on a bagel, please! And depending on the severity of the hangover, I’ll take a coffee (mild-moderate) or a coke (heavy.)
You've met the Challengers...
1. Lauren DeSantis: Host and Producer of Capital Cooking
2. April Fulton: Food Scribe
3. Stefanie Gans: Endless Simmer
4. Alison McConnell: Humble Gourmand
5. Johnna Rowe: Johnna Knows Good Food
Now make sure to keep reading the blog to find out the airing dates in your area and how you can vote. I can't wait to eat some chicken potpie...I better get started on my recipe soon.