Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard invites you to join us for our
Second Annual Grape Stomp.
Saturday & Sunday, October 18 & 19, noon – 5 pm
Admission ages 21+: $10
Under age 21 free
Wine glass, tastings of select wines, live music, grape stomp contest with prizes
Big Nate's BBQ
Bring blankets, folding chairs
Tours of vineyard & winery
Visit our new tasting room and garden patio
Our New Wines
Chardonnay Reserve '06
Cabernet Sauvignon
Reserve '06
Comus Reserve '06
Cabernet Franc '07
Comus '07
Stomp '07, an off-dry, easy drinking red made with the unstomped grapes from the 2007 Stomp Festival
Our award-winning vintages
Chardonnay '06
Merlot '06
Cabernet Sauvignon '06
Cabernet Franc '06
Comus '06
Pinot Grigio '06
Pinot Grigio '07
Circe '07
Only 30 minutes from the 495 Beltway...
Take 270 to Exit 22 (Hyattstown/Barnesville).
Off the ramp, take Maryland Route 109 (Old Hundred Road) south for 3 miles to Comus Road (at the newly renovated Comus Inn). Turn right and proceed 1.5 miles. The vineyard is located on the right at 18125 Comus Road, 8/10ths of a mile short of the entrance to Sugarloaf Mountain.
Mike and Carol McGarry
Jim and Lois McKenna
Dan and Randy O'Donoghue
Phil and Kathy O'Donoghue
Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard :: 18101 Comus Rd Dickerson, MD 20842 :: 301-605-0130