Friday, October 16, 2009

Old Town Food and Wine Festival Re-Cap

This weekend Capital Cooking with Lauren DeSantis crossed the Potomac into Alexandria for the Old Town Food and Wine Festival. The two day festival featured the best of Virginia’s wineries with wine tastings spanning throughout two hotels. Not only did participants get to sample the best of wine, they also learned how to cook with it.

Lauren featured festival wines in the demo, Cooking with Food and Wine, at 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The menu included: Mushroom Ragout on top of a Puff Pastry with Sautéed Spinach, Creamy Chicken Marsala, and Port Poached Pears with a Zabaglione Cream. The conference room was packed with participants and the aroma of delectable port and marsala wines. At the end of the demo each person had a sample of Lauren’s cooking, walking away with a satisfied grin.

Find the recipes that Lauren prepared this past weekend here on the Web site. Make sure to come out to Lauren’s next appearance at the Metropolitan Cooking Show in November.

Photo by Shauna Alexander

Re-Cap by Kim Bryden