Friday, November 27, 2015

Thinking of Drinking: Pumpkin Amaro Manhattan

Recover fromThanksgiving with some fun cocktails!  Here's a great pumpkin Manhattan cocktail recipe from BLT Steak. They make their own Amaro for the drink and barrel-age it, but you can use any Amaro from the store.  Cheers!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Recipe: Ma Pearl's Pumpkin Bread Pudding

Only 2 days until turkey time. Want to try a fun pumpkin dessert? Check out Lance London's pumpkin bread pudding recipe. This is London's grandmother Ma Pearl's recipe, and is a signature dessert at The Carolina Kitchen.

Pairing for Thanksgiving Day: The Virginia Way

So Thursday is the big TURKEY day.  You can't beat the never ending supply of comfort food during the holidays. I'm thankful for that!  This year I wanted to plan the perfect meal completely paired with Virginia wine.  I hope you enjoy!

#TravelTuesday: Sunset in Sindabezi Island, Zambia

Best trip ever!

Thanksgiving Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Dried Cranberries

Time to start thinking about your Thanksgiving menu. I've asked chefs around DC to share some of their favorite recipes to celebrate the holiday.  Growing up, I hated Brussels Sprouts.  My memories of the soggy, disgusting small cabbage was ingrained in my head.  It wasn't until I moved to DC and tried some properly prepared Brussels Sprouts, that I realized how delicious they actually taste.  Check out this recipe from Blue Duck Tavern.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Recipes: Cranberry Ginger Chutney

Chef Jaime Montes de Oca over at Zentan shared this recipe for Cranberry Ginger Chutney to make on Thanksgiving.  Thanks Jaime!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Recipe: Stuffed and Baked Lobster

Celebrate Thanksgiving with Legal Sea Foods' Stuffed and Baked Lobster. Culinary historians believe that much of the Thanksgiving meal consisted of seafood, which is often absent from today’s menus, so this year why not try a baked stuffed lobster instead of a baked stuffed turkey to celebrate the holiday.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Thanksgiving Recipe: Green Bean and Mushroom Casserole

Clyde's of Columbia Executive Chef Jason Mcintosh's favorite side is Green Bean and Mushroom Casserole.  Make your own this Thanksgiving!  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

Chef Challenge! Chile Food & Cocktail Battle

Cafe du Parc Chefs in Action
By Claire Goldman

The Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington put on the second annual Chef & Mixologist Challenge.  Local chefs and mixologists were challenged to create dishes and drinks supporting the Foods from Chile:  Source of Life Campaign.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Recipe: White Chocolate Cherry Pistachio Bark

White Chocolate Cherry Pistachio Bark makes the perfect edible Housewarming gift. This is a very versatile recipe and can be made with different types of chocolates and nuts.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My Thanksgiving Hero

Can you believe it is November?  November is a time for reflection to think about the people you are thankful for in your life.  I'm so thankful to have a beautiful baby and loving husband.  I'm thankful to have such a supportive family and nice friends.  I'm thankful for the help of our nanny, Donna.  She's helped us raise our little girl for almost a year now.  

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thinking of Drinking: Spiced Hot Chocolate

The upper patio at Poste Moderne Brasserie has been transformed into a cozy respite, as the restaurant relaunches the popular Poste Winter Lounge, complete with warm seasonal cocktails, complimentary s’mores and accompanying fire pits and blankets.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Recipe: Roasted Chicken

During my time at L'Academie de Cuisine, we learned how to make a delicious Roasted Chicken.  While a chicken is easy to roast, it is hard to make it good.  I love making a chicken early in the week and using the meat to make other recipes.  It is so versatile and you can save the bones to make a wonderful stock.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Cuba Libre Celebrates 5 Years in DC

By: Laurie Wallin
Capital Cooking Contributor

In a city where restaurants close – and open – on a regular basis, longevity in DC is something to be celebrated. Cuba Libre did just that on Thursday, October 29, celebrating 5 years in DC with a terrific party that featured cocktails, passed appetizers and desserts by Chef-Partner Guillermo Pernot, door prizes and live music by the Joe Falero and his Cuba Trio Ensemble.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Nominate Your Thanksgiving Hero!

Thanksgiving is about more than just turkey.  It is about thanking those that deserve it.  Choosing to do the right thing is sometimes taken for granted.  I grew up in the Midwest where that's what people live by.  Moving to DC in my early 20s, with naive eyes, shocked me a bit.  I realized that some people have an entitlement mentality and they'll do whatever it takes to get themselves ahead of the game.  When I meet people, now, that put others above themselves, I take notice.  I consider these people heroes.  Even something as simple as holding the door open for others, letting a car in front of yours, taking the time to teach younger people, lending a helping hand to a neighbor... these things matter.  People remember these acts of kindness and hopefully they'll pay them forward.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Guide to Carmel, CA

Hop on a flight to California and enjoy the charm and relaxation of Carmel, CA.